Friday, August 28, 2015


Good Morning, Everyone! It is 5:02am as I start this blog and I figured I would start my first post off with a little about myself! My name is Paige Cunningham, I'm 21 years old and attend/commute to Bradley University in Peoria! Not too far from Peoria is Pekin (about 20 minutes), the place I grew up and love. Most people (for some odd reason) want to get out of their hometown and move, but that's not my case. Ever since I got into high school I decided that my dream job would to be working at Caterpillar Inc. in Peoria, the headquarters of CAT. For some reason I was interested in being a part of the CAT team and wanted to pursue my career there since I have had high influence from most of my family working there. Along came Junior year of high school where I did my research and decided on Bradley University, a way to get my foot in the door at CAT but still be close to home. Unlike most people, I chose where I wanted to work first instead of what I wanted to do.. and that's where my pursuit started. Through college I decided on my major, marketing, something I was interested in doing AND could do for CAT. My social media concentration was and is purely for my enjoyment. I am a social media junky, I love keeping up on the news and seeing what other people have to say and what’s going on in their life! Here I am, senior year of College and I have now been working at Caterpillar for a year! I absolutely love what I do and love this company.

As for my interest.. I love tattoos, heavy metal music, cats, duke basketball, Packers, and engagement rings. My father and I have been Duke basketball fans for about 10 years and I am a big college basketball fan (Go Blue Devils! Boo Tar Heels!). Recently, specifically the last 3 years, I have picked up a love for the NFL, in particular the Green Bay Packers! My boyfriend has been a fan since he was a child and I supported him and now consider myself a cheese head! I love traveling up to Green Bay and watching the games and this year we are even going to the Thanksgiving Packers vs Bears game to watch Brett Favres jersey get retired (and be in the Lambeau leap zone!). Music and concerts are another passion of mine. I have seen about 80-100 bands, mostly heavy music including some big names such as Slipknot (my most recent), Three days Grace, Motionless in White, ADTR, and obviously a lot more. The last odd interest/passion I have is engagement rings. I have been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years now and we just started looking at them for fun our first year of dating, which turned into me making a twitter account full of information and pictures of engagement rings. I actually got paid to tweet for some NY companies that sold engagement rings, I would RT and tweet about their business and their sales, I've had this account since December of 2013 I believe. I have stopped doing advertising for companies as it took up a lot of time and now just post pictures of rings for people to see (approximately 15,000 followers).

I could talk about a few things forever, tattoos and engagement rings. My love for tattoos started when I was around 14 when I actually got my first tattoo. Once my parents found out, I was grounded for 8 months (mom and dad were not happy!). From there on I had continued my tattoo obsession and now have around 10 tattoos, not too many but enough to satisfy me for the moment. Even after my young exposure to tattoos my parents continued to ask me why I loved tattoos so much, honestly I still cannot answer that question, I just do. Now, my parents have a couple tattoos and support me in my decisions of what I want and where I want them. I am an advocate of being smart when choosing your tattoo and place of ink. I don’t think its right you can be judged as unprofessional for having tattoos, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles! Always chose places you can hide, especially in a professional environment. I hope you all enjoy my blog that I am starting, I'm going to post each week a new style of tattooing, what they are, how they do it, some history or background, and some good photographs of examples! I hope you enjoying reading each week and enjoy Tattoo Nirvana! :-)


  1. Hi Paige!

    It was good to learn some details about you that I didn't know! There is one thing that I do not agree with, however. Go Bears!! I do not have any tattoos myself, nor do many of my friends or family so I am excited to read your blog posts each week and learn more about tattoos!

    1. Thanks so much, Caroline! I forgive you for being a Bears fan! ;-) I also hope you learn more about tattoos through my blog! Tattoos aren't for everyone but it's always an interesting and sometimes controversial topic! Thanks again!

  2. While I can't rival you in tattoo (I "only" have 4 so far), I can rival you in concerts! I've seen 109 bands a total of 178 times across 46 concerts. The bands I've seen the most are Otherwise (8) and Papa Roach (5 soon to be 6). Slipknot is my favorite band, & their tribal S was my first tattoo.

    1. Hi Nathan! Thats awesome that we share a love of concerts and the same bands! Ive seen Otherwise only twice, Papa Roach once, and Slipknot once! Im also a huge fan that you have a Slipknot tattoo! That is awesome! Im glad to see a fellow Slipknot fan :-) Did you go to their concert in May around here? & Did you see that Theory of a Deadman (my all time favorite) and Pop Evil are coming to peoria in November? Just a heads up incase you like them too!

    2. With Hatebreed in Bloomington? Yup! I also saw them a couple weeks ago (marking time #4 seeing them) at Tinley Park with Lamb of God, Bullet for my Valentine, and Motionless in White (first time for all three). I did see that TOADM & Pop Evil will be in Peoria, but I'm being a bit more selective with concerts now. I've seen TOADM twice, and Pop Evil once. I didn't enjoy their live performance (no offense), so I'm not inclined to see them again unless they're with someone else I'd want to see.

  3. Hey Paige!

    Although the idea of getting a tattoo scares the crap out of me, the idea of getting an engagement ring doesn't. ;-) I was excited to learn you know so much about them - what's the Twitter handle for the account you mentioned? My boyfriend and I have also been together for forever (pushing 4.5 years) now, so I little RT action won't hurt anyone. ;-)


    1. Hey Emily! :-) don't let the idea of tattoos scare you! :-) my Twitter handle for that account is @Engagedrings (cleaver and creative? Not so much) but I post a BUNCH of rings! I hope you enjoy it and hint towards which one you liked for your boyfriend to see! ;-) that's what I did :-) thanks for reading!

  4. Hi Paige!

    Although I don't think we've ever had the chance to meet in person, I think we would get along very well! I also love heavy metal and tattoos, which is sometimes hard for people to believe when they meet me. ("But you're in a sorority and you don't have black hair and you don't wear chains") I only have one tattoo as of right now, but I plan on getting 3 more. I got my first one last summer and I'm just dying to get my second one. Why do they have to be so expensive?!? What was your first tattoo and what sparked your interest at such a young age?


  5. Paige! Hi!

    I know we've had quite a few classes together over the last couple years. I honestly don't know how I didn't know pretty much any of this about you. So cool how that works out sometimes. Two of my favorite things to look at are tattoos and engagement rings, can you be like my social twin? I have tattoos and will NEVER stop getting them, so I am super excited about your blog! You should probably throw in some rings here or there so I "oooooh Lucas look" can become my tagline even more frequently.


    P.S. How'd your senior project group turn out?
