Sunday, November 29, 2015


So this tattoo style I will be talking about this week is the newest.. I just recently found out about this style (this week) and I don't have a lot of history on it or even how they come up with specific designs and techniques but the examples are interesting. In a nutshell, the Photoshop style employs a variety of elements – many taken from photographs and combined in a noir-ish literary format. These make the tattoos very unique and original to the artist and provide many avenues to explore combination of tattoos. These are very "cut and paste" tattoos which is different than a lot. I like these tattoos personally because I like the realistic style and the original design. Hope you enjoy these examples!


  1. This is a really cool style. I've seen these, but I didn't know there was a specific name for them. These are cool 'cause you kind of get to do whatever you want. I mean, you can do that with any tattoo, but these are a little more unique. It reminds me of the watercolor style that's big now too; I can't remember if you did a section on that or now, but those are cool as well. I really like the different mediums that seem like these tattoos are coming to life.

    1. Thanks Rebecca! I agree, I always saw them around and then I finally found a name to the style. I did do a section on watercolor tattoos! You can see there is a big change of tattoo styles coming about, we started in American Traditional forever ago and now we are still coming up with new tattoo styles that are so vastly different. Thanks for reading!

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. I am seriously in love with this style. There is just the right amount of artistry, spunk, and energy. I am definitely going to look into this style some more. And try to find a local artist with some experience here. My uncle is paying for a tattoo for me for my graduation gift...but now so so many choices. Paige, you've shown so many cool ideas throughout the semester! But now my decisions are that much more difficult!!

    1. Elizabeth, I am so glad you like this style! These tattoos have a lot of character in them! My favorite tattoo studio is American Inkwell in Pekin and I usually go to Jason but Kalib is AMAZING as well. I am glad you have enjoyed all my posts over the semester and thank you for always reading!
